"Our Father is Beloved Marshal Valentino!"

The Chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers Party of America, Great Leader Imam Valentino

Our Great Leader works night and day for the Second Congress of the Workers Party of America, commencing in November in the year of revolution of 2024!"

     "Through the historic exploits of the great men who are the masters of the Mount Huachuca Descent, President Johnny Johnson will live long in posterity and be further glorified in the year of revolution of 2024 through the command of the Fatherly Leader Chairman Valentino Johnson!"

Our Great Leader Chairman Valentino Johnson is working without pause in formulating the work of the Second Congress of the Workers Party of America, due to take place in November of 2024. Press the button below to read about the work of the Second Party Congress and the Chairman's cause of implementing the People's Authority within all Party organizations and institutions.

Second Congress of the Workers Party of America
lighted candles on black metal candle holder

Affairs of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers Party of America

Always following the path of the Generalissimo, Imam Valentino's activities for the advancement of the venerated People's Authority program are ceaseless and laborious. Whether visiting workers, inspecting Party institutions or addressing the business of the Party, he takes on all the burden graciously without a moments rest. Read on the Chairman's affairs by clicking the button below.

Affairs of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers Party of America